Blackpool Welcomes Elmer!

The much-anticipated art trail featuring more than 30 Elmer the Patchwork Elephants kicks off tomorrow, Saturday 13th April.

Inspired by David McKee's beloved children's book character, each one has been uniquely decorated, creating a parade through the town that will be enjoyed by visitors and locals until June 9th.

Elmer’s Big Parade promises to be a celebration of creativity, diversity, and community spirit. Residents and visitors are invited to explore the trail, ‘collect’ and ‘unlock’ each of the sculptures via a free App where they can find rewards. Blackhurst Budd have invested in the trail and sponsored the very beautiful ‘Shell-mer’ Elephant in Cedar Square. Anyone who visits our sculpture will also be able to enter a free prize draw to win £300 or a set of AirPods.

Blackhurst Budd has supported Brian House and Trinity Hospice for many years and has said:

‘As a business deeply rooted in Blackpool, we are thrilled to be part of Elmer’s Big Parade and we are committed to enriching the community through initiatives that promote charitable giving’.

Elmer's Big Parade Blackpool is being brought to the town by Brian House Children's Hospice in partnership with Wild in Art and Andersen Press and is expected to raise more than £110,000 for the hospice.

Linzi Warburton, Head of Fundraising, said: "We're so close to the biggest event we've ever organised, and the excitement is definitely building now that our dedicated app is available. We're thrilled that it has already been downloaded by hundreds of people who are now ready to start finding our sculptures from Saturday."

"The app allows trail-goers to vote for their favourite sculpture and submit pictures of them collecting their Elmers. It's a wonderful way of celebrating the milestones people will meet while taking part in our art trail."

The app for families to follow the trail is now live and free to download. Simply go to your app store and search Elmer Blackpool 2024.